19 February 2007

Why me?

I started this blog with a vague notion that someone out there might be interested enough to read it. I wasn't sure if it would be anything someone cared enough about to read daily, but I thought for the season of Lent I'd put it out there every day, let a few people know it's there and then let whatever is meant to happen, happen.

I also contemplated doing this "Upper Room Devotional" style, scripture in the beginning, a little story with some sage wisdom driving home the point, and then a prayer at the bottom. However, in starting this project I came to a few conclusions, and the first of which is there are enough devotionals out there for Lent and that's not going to fit everyone. The second conclusion I came to is that inspiration for me comes from alot of different places.

I hope that on this Lenten journey you feel moved, inspired, or at least entertained. If I achieve any of those three things I will consider my work here as well done.

Thanks for stopping by.

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